Inspired by Michel Foucault's theory on the panopticon architecture: a rounded jail with a centered surveillance tower in which you never know when and if you are being watched. As a team, we imagined a glass panopticon as the scenography of Gucci F/W18 collection, which was also partly inspired by Foucault's theory.
Physical guests are all invited to seat front row on different floors in reimagined opened cells. A screen tower connected to people watching the show online is standing in the middle of our panopticon.

Online public is able to watch the show from the Gucci website but also to take pictures from a 360° remotely controlled camera standing on top of the tower, giving a perfect view to anyone physically attending the show. Each picture taken online appears on the screen tower, letting our physical guests known that they are being watched.

The invitation to the show is a stereoscope, as a reference to the circled shape of the panopticon and the idea of seeing and being seen.

Art Direction: Marie Dinlaportas & Dior Sow / 3D Rendering: Dior Sow / Invitation: Marie Dinlaportas